Aon Broker Karen Sullivan Recognized as a 2019 Technology Power Broker

Topics: Technology

Karen Sullivan, Senior Vice President, Aon

Karen Sullivan
Senior Vice President

According to her clients, Aon’s Karen Sullivan is as dedicated as they come, seamlessly becoming a part of the risk management teams of the companies she services.

“Karen goes above and beyond what your average property broker would do,” said one admiring risk management director, who is employed by a Fortune 500 global technology company.

This risk manager said Sullivan partners with her to take deep dives into the business interruption exposures of several of her business units. The forensics involved are extremely time consuming.

Sullivan provided the same exhaustive service to another client who was struggling with identifying and quantifying business continuity loss estimates.

It’s not only in business interruption and business continuity exposures where Sullivan proves her mettle.

One of her clients possessed substantial supply chain dependencies but had never quantified the risk. Some of the locations involved were exposed to critical natural disaster risk.

Sullivan was able to corral Aon’s data strength and consult with her firm’s supply chain experts. The result: She and her team were able to calculate maximum foreseeable loss exposures for each of the key supplier locations. Then she went to work developing the client’s story for the markets.

What did she end up with? How about the provision of the full limits asked for, halving of the deductible and a cost savings on the whole deal.

All 2019 Power Broker Winners

2019 Technology Power Broker Winners and Finalists

What is a Power Broker?

A Risk & Insurance Power Broker® is an individual who stands out among their peers for the exceptional client work they delivered over the past year. While brokers play many key roles in the insurance industry and risk profession, a Power Broker® award recognizes problem solving, customer service and industry knowledge.

Our goal is to broadly recognize and promote outstanding risk management and customer service among the brokerage community.

Who selects the winners?

Power Brokers are selected by Risk Managers based on the strength of the testimonials they provide to a team of 15 Risk & Insurance editors and writers.

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