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Dan Reynolds is editor-in-chief of Risk & Insurance. He can be reached at [email protected].
The gates are opening for the inclusion of more women and people of color in our industry. Risk & Insurance editor-in-chief Dan Reynolds is thankful for the shift.
The 2024 Executives to Watch know that data expertise is an important part of risk mitigation and transfer. But is it more important than the role of human collaboration and communication?
Liberty Mutual’s Patrick Thielen has a strong team and a host of resources behind him. He’s going to need them.
The new head of Canada operations for Sompo International is taking dead aim at communications and culture.
Westfield Specialty’s Ray Ash is set to face down cyber risk, securities risk and a host of additional issues that menace directors and officers.
The Institutes’ latest affiliation promises to introduce the skills and experience of insurance accounting and systems administration professionals to a much wider audience.
A bad actor places a small college in Pennsylvania on a path to reputational and financial distress.
MedRisk’s newly appointed CEO, Sri Sridharan, talks to Risk & Insurance about the culture he leads and the vast amount of injured worker data his team has at its disposal.
Risk & Insurance editor-in-chief Dan Reynolds sat down with Nan-Wei Gong and Scott Sexton of FIGUR8 to discuss how they’re working to standardize and codify data that can help care teams better gauge an injured workers’ musculoskeletal recovery process.
Carmony Wong took on a new role with Reinsurance Group of America in May of 2023. Here, she shares some details of her experience in the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow program.
Sally Roberts of Marsh talks about making the transition from being a reporter to a media relations professional. All the while, she’s found commercial insurance a fascinating way to make a living in communications.
In conversation with Risk & Insurance editor-in-chief Dan Reynolds, the eMaxx group CEO discussed the firm’s business model, the impact of technological innovations and the state of talent in the captive insurance industry.
Gallagher Bassett’s vice president of communications and culture shares her insights on insurance communication excellence with Risk & Insurance.
In this fictive scenario, a cyber blunder leads one manufacturer into a $5 million hole.
“We are seeing more captives looking to take on that excess layer, because the rates are just going through the roof on the traditional side.”
Doug Menelly of WTW shares his views on what the insurance industry could improve on in its approach to communications.
Mark Azzolino discusses the evolution of digital distribution and the importance of harnessing data to help make more efficient underwriting decisions.
As part of an ongoing series, Risk & Insurance talks with public relations and communications professionals about their experience in the insurance industry.
In this fictive scenario, a startup’s growth is stunted by a small cohort of aggrieved fully remote employees seeking retribution after being overlooked for promotions.
The 2023 Risk All Stars demonstrate that human beings gifted with broad enough shoulders can make all the difference in a risk management program.