White papers, service directory and conferences for the R&I community.
Brian Peers is a licensed physical therapist and serves as MedRisk’s Vice President of clinical services and provider management. He is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the quality of MedRisk’s centralized telerehabilitation services, as well as MedRisk’s platinum grade clinical review and peer-to peer provider coaching program. He is board certified as an orthopedic clinical specialist and is recognized as an expert in rehabilitation of the injured worker. Prior to joining MedRisk, Dr. Peers was the owner and operator of an interdisciplinary rehab practice and has held faculty appointments at multiple physical therapy education programs. He has also served as an injury prevention consultant for multiple large corporations and the United States Department of Defense. Dr. Peers holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from St. Francis University, an additional Master’s degree from Louisiana State University and a Doctorate from the University of St. Augustine.