White Paper

Are You Embracing These 4 Core Competencies in WC?

With a plethora of technology and innovation on the horizon for workers’ compensation, it’s important to pause and review the core competencies that built this industry and how good data can be used to enhance each.

White Paper Summary

Workers’ compensation is one of many industries now enjoying the advantages of innovation in technology: New automation processes, AI integration, refining a vast amount of data in seconds — there’s a lot of ease-of-use and processing speed that comes with these innovations. But with such capabilities, it can be hard to narrow it down to the right ones for the job or to utilize them effectively.

It’s also important to remind ourselves that workers’ compensation is an industry dealing with people — injured workers — who rely on their risk management partners to help guide them through this process and make them whole again.

“If you think about what we are trying to accomplish in the world of workers’ comp, it’s delivering a good health outcome for the patients we serve every single day and delivering a good cost outcome for the clients we serve every day,” said MedRisk’s CEO, Sri Sridharan.

Skip Brechtel, executive vice president of strategic partnerships with CCMSI, a MedRisk partner, concurred: “Our goal is to deliver good health outcomes to the patients and good cost outcomes to the clients.”

In essence, workers’ comp is working toward these two goals: accelerating recovery and reducing costs. Innovation is a great tool, but Sridharan and his colleagues shared that it’s not the only tool.

Sometimes, it’s good to get back to the basics of workers’ compensation to determine which innovations best serve all stakeholders. Below are four core competencies in workers’ comp that are already proven to help achieve these goals — and a look at what happens when a team utilizes these competencies to bolster the workers’ comp program.

To learn more about MedRisk, please visit their website.

MedRisk is the leader in physical rehabilitation for the workers’ compensation industry. Our clinically based program ensures evidence-based care, reduces costs, and promotes return to work.

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