White Paper

How Optum’s Topicals Toolbox Gives Workers’ Comp Professionals Key Resources and Data to Avoid Rising Costs

Topicals can be a costly specialty medication in workers’ compensation. When a topical is necessary, it’s important payers have a resource that works with them to reduce their overall cost.

White Paper Summary

In the wide world of workers’ compensation, there are many treatments used to help injured workers heal. One area that’s gaining traction is topical medications — localized creams, ointments, gels or sprays applied directly to affected areas of an injured worker’s body.

Some topicals offer added benefits compared to oral or systemic treatments. For example, topicals allow a higher concentration of an active ingredient to be delivered directly where it’s needed, often enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment.

However, topicals are considered specialty medications, and they’ve been linked to rising medical costs for payers. Some states are already addressing the price issue, while others are just beginning to grapple with its effects. This can make the waters murky for workers’ comp personnel who are trying to manage claims and help injured workers heal across state lines.

“Claims adjusters and case managers often handle a high volume of claims across multiple jurisdictions,” said Kevin Tribout, VP of public policy & regulatory affairs at Optum Workers’ Comp and Auto No-Fault. “They may not have time to research or fully understand the specific requirements for a particular type of topical treatment in each jurisdiction.”

Optum gets this. It’s why the team has created its Optum Topicals Toolbox to educate and inform workers’ comp professionals on topical usage, costs and the regulatory landscape they may face when these medications are deemed necessary.

To learn more about Optum, please visit their website.

The Optum workers’ compensation and auto no-fault division works to collaborate with our clients to deliver value beyond transactional savings while helping ensure injured parties receive safe and effective clinical care throughout the life of their claim. Our innovative and comprehensive cost management programs include pharmacy care services, ancillary benefit management, medical services, and settlement solutions.

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