2017 NWCDC

Welcome Back to Las Vegas!

By: | December 6, 2017

Roberto Ceniceros is a retired senior editor of Risk & Insurance® and the former chair of the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference® & Expo. Read more of his columns and features.

It was fun hosting the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo in New Orleans last year, and I know attendees enjoyed that city’s cuisine and nightlife.

But I have heard from many conference regulars who are happy to return to Las Vegas and Mandalay Bay.


Because it’s a superb meeting ground, making it easy to connect with peers, advisers and the industry leaders our conference is known for attracting.

Las Vegas doesn’t suffer a shortage of restaurants and entertainment venues. So we don’t lose that.

But we do gain greater opportunity for hallway discussions with industry friends, easier access to private meeting spaces, and increased likelihood that those chance encounters and planned meetings will enrich your conference experience and benefit your work.

Our program co-chairs and I put substantial thought into creating conference presentations and breakout sessions we hope provide the education that helps you succeed.

I hope also that you take advantage of the opportunity to meet new friends, renew professional contacts, and share in the spontaneous conversations that happen around conferences. After all, Mandalay Bay provides a great venue for all that.

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