White Paper
How Experience and Data Combined Enhance Managed Care Solutions —from Start to Finish
White Paper Summary
The month of June marks the end of the fiscal year for some organizations and a mid-way reflection point for others.
As risk management teams look back on the experience of supporting employees who were injured on the job over the course of the year, it may also be time to reflect on the approach used to support an employee’s return-to-work journey.
For companies that handle claims internally or those who work with a third-party administrator alike, it may be time for a check-up. Are there more effective ways to help employees restore their health and return to work after an injury?
Broadspire, a Crawford company, provides tailored medical managed care solutions for companies looking to take a comprehensive approach to managing the care of their injured staff. The Medical Management division embraces the company values at each interaction with an Injured worker. They work to restore the injured worker to the highest level of recovery after an injury.
For Erica Fichter, Broadspire’s chief operating officer of medical management and accident and health division, conducting a program health assessment for an organization gives her team the opportunity to “really dive into what that true need is, and then how we can help you manage it.”
To learn more about Broadspire, please visit their website.