White Paper

Future Risk: Incorporating AI into Health Care

Artificial intelligence can help physicians reduce their administrative workload and manage the strain caused by talent shortages, but these new technologies are not without risk.

White Paper Summary

If you are having trouble getting a medical appointment, odds are you are not alone.

Doctors and other health care providers are leaving the industry in droves. A survey published in 2023 found that two out of three physicians said they were considering an employment change and nearly 36% said they were considering early retirement. Respondents cited causes that range from burnout and lingering pandemic anxiety to stagnating wages as reasons for leaving medicine. Last year, 53% of physicians reported feeling burnout, and nearly one in four said they were depressed, per the report “​​I Cry but No One Cares,” which tracks medical provider mental health.

Poor mental health does not have health care providers merely contemplating an exit. Many have already left the industry. Prior to August 2021, over 230,000 quit their jobs. This mass exodus has had ripple effects for the industry. Patients are having a hard time scheduling appointments, even when they have serious injuries or illnesses and need care.

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ProAssurance companies provide comprehensive medical professional liability insurance solutions for healthcare risks of all sizes and types. ProAssurance Group is rated “A” (Excellent) by AM Best.

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