Editor's Letter

Insurance, Do the Right Thing

By: | September 28, 2018

Dan Reynolds is editor-in-chief of Risk & Insurance. He can be reached at [email protected].

Pennsylvania’s attorney general Josh Shapiro pointed out, in a scorching grand jury report released in August, that hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand people in the Commonwealth over decades.

Numerous bishops covered up the crimes.

The grand jury recommended a statute of limitations, which bars the victims from filing civil suits, be lifted or modified.

The Philadelphia Inquirer and other news outlets reported on the sizable amount of money the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania spends lobbying legislators in that Commonwealth.

Implied, but not directly proven in these stories, is that the Federation, along with the Catholic Conference of Pennsylvania, is one of the key impediments to loosening the statute of limitations.

So, Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, please tell me it’s not true. Please tell me that no entity of the insurance industry is a factor in the inability of Pennsylvania legislators to do the right thing and lift or alter the statute of limitations.

It can take decades, if ever, for an abuse victim to come to terms with what happened to them. Establishing a two-year window to allow adult victims to sue their abusers is the right thing to do.

Even some Pennsylvania legislators, a notoriously backward and ineffective lot, are considering doing this very thing.

Do not back the Church on this one, insurance industry. It has shown no true remorse and no intention of policing itself. &

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